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作者:阿布 日期: 浏览:0



1. 最负盛名的旅游景点有哪些?/ How can I say the celebrated tourist destinations?


词汇 发音 示例
Tourist attraction [ˈtʊərɪst əˈtrækʃən] The Eiffel Tower is an iconic tourist attraction located in Paris.
Scenic spot [ˈsiːnik spɑːt] The Great Wall of China is one of the most popular scenic spots in the world.
Place of interest [pleɪs əv ˈɪntrɪst] The Forbidden City is a historical place of interest in Beijing.

2. 我想去一些人少的地方游玩,怎么表达?/ I want to visit some quiet places, How can I express it?


词汇 发音 示例
Off-the-beaten-path [ɑːf ðə ˌbiːtən ˌpæθ] We followed our tour guide to explore some off-the-beaten-path attractions.
Hidden gem [ˈhɪdən dʒɛm] This quaint little town is a hidden gem that few tourists know about.
Under-the-radar [ˌʌndər ðə ˈreɪdər] Don’t miss out on these under-the-radar destinations that offer a unique travel experience.

3. 用英语来描述一个风景优美的地方!/ Explain how to describe a beautiful place in English!


词汇 发音 示例
Picturesque [ˈpɪktʃərɛsk] The lake and the mountains created a picturesque landscape that took my breath away.
Breathtaking [ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ] The panoramic view from the mountaintop was absolutely breathtaking.
Serene [səˈriːn] The tranquil atmosphere of the ancient temple filled me with a sense of serenity.
Enchanting [ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ] The vibrant colors and ornate architecture of the city’s old quarter were enchanting.
Idyllic [aɪˈdɪlɪk] We spent a blissful weekend in this idyllic countryside cottage surrounded by nature.

4. 除了景点,还有什么英语表达方式?/ What are other English expressions for attractions?


词汇 发音 示例
Landmark [ˈlændmɑːrk] The Sydney Opera House is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks.
Monument [ˈmɑːnjumənt] The Lincoln Memorial is a monument dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.
Historical site [hɪˈstɔːrɪkəl saɪt] We visited several historical sites during our trip to Boston.
Cultural attraction [ˈkʌltʃərəl əˈtrækʃən] This art museum houses an extensive collection of cultural attractions from around the world.
Natural wonder [ˈnætʃərəl ˈwʌndər] The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that captivates visitors with its stunning beauty.

5. 祝大家旅途愉快!/ Have a pleasant trip!


词汇 发音 示例
Have a safe trip [hæv ə seɪf trɪp] Wishing you a safe and memorable voyage.
Bon voyage [ˌbɑːn vwɑːˈjɑːʒ] May your travels be filled with adventure and discovery.
Travel well [ˈtrævəl wɛl] May you encounter warm hospitality and create lasting memories on your journey.
Enjoy your trip / vacation [ɪnˌdʒɔɪ jɔːr trɪp / veɪˈkeɪʃən] Wishing you joy and fulfillment throughout your travels.
See you when you get back [siː juː wɛn juː get bæk] We’ll eagerly await your return and hear all about your adventures.




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